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The first thing you do when you meet someone is to know their name. Do you do the same when it comes to your favorite brands? Not really! We all have that one friend who has all the latest designer wear but no idea about how to pronounce its name. If this makes you laugh, kitty parties would amuse you even more, where ladies show off their recently bought Goo-chee and “Loo-is Vitton” bags!

BEBE is not the same as addressing your grandmother in Punjabi! It’s BEE-BEE. And Nike does not rhyme with strike, its NAI-KEE. If this was an eye opener for you, read on!


          NAME                                                                              PRONUNCIATION

  • CHANEL                                                                             SHUH-NEL
  • YVES SAINT LAURENT                                                  EVES SAUN LAU-RAW
  • HERMES                                                                             AIR-MEZ
  • VERSACE                                                                            VUR-SAH-CHEE
  • PORSHE                                                                              POR-SHA
  • BENETTON                                                                         BENE-TAWN
  • CALVIN KLEIN                                                                  CAEL-WIN KLA-IN
  • BVLGARI                                                                              BUHL-GAH-RI
  • DOLCE & GABANA                                                            DOL-CHE & GABANA
  • LOUIS VUITTON                                                                LOUEE-VEE-TAWN


Contrary to Shakespeare’s “What’s in a name?” these brands show us how there is lots in a name! Flaunt your knowledge of these brands the next time you go shopping! Thank us later!