5 Guaranteed ways to impress your Boss!

Speak Fluent English

Is your boss giving you nightmares?

Do you dread going to office every day?

If all your attempts to impress your boss have failed, do not be disheartened, these tips are sure to be of help!

  1. Always be on time

Someone who has hired you does not want you coming in late. He is paying you to work, and time is money, remember! Always reach office in time, the earlier, the better; it will give him the impression that you love your work. Who doesn’t want an employee who enjoys what he does?

  1. Keep yourself updated

Follow blogs related to the industry you work in and subscribe to newsletters and magazines. Saw a post related to the project you’re working on? Share it with your team-mates and your boss – highlight how it could be of help to your organization. This would show that you make an effort towards keeping yourself and your team updated.

  1. Dress well

As the old saying goes “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have”. No I am not advising you to be all dressy and fancy at work. But at least dress according to the work environment. A well-ironed, buttoned up shirt and creaseless trousers never harmed anyone!

  1. Be prepared

Got a meeting next week? Start preparing now instead of waiting for the last moment. Put in an hour every day, and think of all the questions and suggestions that you have regarding the proposal. Get an insight as to what it demands, this will not be possible if you prepare on the last day. Plan ahead and always have an informed point of view about everything so you do not raise points just for the sake of it. This would surely impress your boss, as he would notice that you contribute towards the growth of the company.

  1. Speak well

Being prepared will be useless if you cannot express yourself well. “Uhmm”, “Err”, “It’s like…”, “What I mean is…” are big turn offs at a meeting, and anywhere for that matter. All organizations need professionals who are confident and fluent in spoken English. Hesitation can destroy your future prospects.

Promotions, international assignments and transfers – all depend on your ability to speak English well. You may be the best in your field, but English can give others an edge. Good communication skills are essential for overall personality development. You can even learn spoken English on your mobile phone now- unbelievable but true!

These 5 tips will help impress your boss for sure, try and see!