Using Capital Letters

The twenty-six letters of the English alphabet can be written as small (a,b,c…) or in capitals (A,B,C…).

Excessive usage of capital letters is incorrect and it may also seem a bit rude. Just stick to the rules that I have listed here and you’ll never go wrong!

  1. Use capital letter ‘I’ for the personal pronoun.
  • What should I do now?
  • May I use your pen?
  1. Use a capital letter when beginning a new sentence.
  • The bus will leave in another hour. Please be quick.
  • Where is Reena? She should be here by now.
  1. Use capital letters for abbreviations and acronyms.
  • A.S.A.P: As Soon As Possible
  • FYI: For Your Information
  1. Use a capital letter when naming days of the week, months of the year and holidays.
  • Tuesday, Friday
  • January, February
  • Diwali, Holi
  1. Use a capital letter for languages, nationalities and countries.
  • Hindi, Bengali
  • India
  1. Use a capital letter for names and titles.
  • Ruskin Bond
  • Queen Elizabeth
  1. Use capital letters for places and monuments.
  • London, Mauritius
  • Taj Mahal
  1. Use capital letters for titles of plays, books and poems.
  • Train to Pakistan
  • And Then There Were None