
Learn Spoken English

Phrasal verbs open up a whole new world of possibilities for speaking English. They are phrases that give verbs completely different meanings. They are also used incredibly often in everyday conversation, which makes them important to know. For example, with phrasal verbs, when your kitten comes across (finds) your paper cranes and makes one fall down (drop), you can …

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Homonyms and Homophones

Homonyms are words that sound alike but have different meanings. Homophones are a type of homonym that also sound alike and have different meanings, but have different spellings.

Past Tense

Tense of a sentence gives you an idea of the time when the incident mentioned in a statement takes place. At the same time, it is that critical factor that can most commonly leads people to mistakes while framing a sentence or while identifying the time of events. With your knowledge of tenses strong, fluent …

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Future Tense

You need to be aware of what tense to use when referring to events in the past, present or future while speaking. English grammar is all about understanding the usage of the various forms and tenses. Keep handy the following tips and experience how to make grammar fun to learn!

Contractions in English

Contractions play an important role in English. Always remember that the apostrophe comes in place of the omitted alphabet – this golden rule can help you go a long way! All the commonly used contractions have been explained above.

Chat Acronyms- 2

In this age of technology, most people talk over texts, which means the use of short forms or acronyms. New acronyms come up every day. It’s hard to keep up with them and most of us have no clue what they mean – so here is a chart to keep you up to date!