The Sentence

We engage in conversation, convey our thoughts and exchange information with others on a regular basis. How do we do all of this? Simple – we either speak or write! Sentences play an important role here. A set of words form a sentence and a set of sentences help us express ourselves. Let’s learn more …

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Basic Grammar Rules

Grammar is the basic element of English language, or any language for that matter. Until and unless you are familiar with the rules of grammar, you can never excel in the language. To make life a little easy for you, I’m listing the top 5 grammar rules here: A sentence always begins with a capital …

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Punctuation is powerful!

Punctuation is the most neglected aspect of English language. Most people either do not punctuate at all or punctuate incorrectly. This post highlights how crucial punctuation is and how it can change the meaning entirely.   Use punctuation signs wisely!

Time Clauses

The time clauses in the English language are introduced by conjunctions such as after, as soon as, before, till, until, when, whenever, while or time expressions such as the minute, the moment etc. We do not use the future tense (will) in a time clause to describe future activities.

Adjective Order

Adjectives can be used to describe lots of things, from physical size, age, shape, colour, material, to more abstract things like opinion, origin and purpose. They can be used together to give a detailed description of something. However, they are to be used in a particular order.

Whether v/s If

These two words are easily confused with each other. Take a closer look at the difference between these two and learn their proper usage here!