3 Grammar Rules You Need NOT Follow

Do you remember your English teacher from fourth grade?

I am sure you do. You must also remember how they always insisted that we learn all the rules of English grammar and have them on our fingertips.

These rules were imposed by strict grammarians who believed in rigid norms for the language. Turns out, some of these were just myths and no one really follows them- they are meant to be broken.

Let’s have a look at 3 such rules:

  • Do not end a sentence with a preposition.

This rule was imposed due to the desire of some writers of the 12th century to conform with Latin. In Latin, sentences do not end with prepositions and hence the rule was applied to English too.

Did it do any good? Of course not. People had to twist their statements just  to please grammarians. In modern English, however, this rule is not followed.

So, this is something you do not have to put up with.

P.S.: See what I did there?

Also read: Why it’s Difficult to Speak English Despite Knowing Grammar Rules

  • Do not begin a sentence with but or and.

This is another rule inspired by Latin language which you need not adhere to. It was considered inappropriate  to begin sentences with conjunctions initially. But, it is a great way to catch the reader’s attention or emphasise your point, so feel free to use both these words, just like I did!

  • Splitting infinitives

Recall all those instances when you were told that there should be no word between ‘to’ and its verb.

Now you can ignore that rule as well!

It is absolutely okay to use an adverb or adverbial phrase between ‘to’ and its verb.

For example: to casually walk, to boldly go

So, what are you waiting for? Break these shackles and write as your heart desires!

Also read: Why do Learners Fail to Achieve Fluency in English?